

Q: How do Good Wear Leather A-2s fit in comparison to other reproduction A-2s?

A: Generally speaking, our jackets are a bit more slender, as originals tended to be of the contracts we're copying. We don't
radically improve the pattern for the modern man—arm holes are not increased and shoulders are not widened, except in small amounts if needed. Just the same, by
increasing the body size and reducing the body and sleeve length, we can fit most body types with our patterns. Some
patterns will be better than others for more or less body mass.

Q: Of the contracts you offer, which would fit me best for my body type?

A: We will work with you to figure out which of our patterns is the best, based on a jacket that you have now that you like.
We have patterns that are very forgiving, and patterns that are very slender, but we can talk through what we offer with you.
Our suggestion is that you determine the best three that you like, and then further details will lead to one final pattern.

Q: Once I place an order, how long is the wait for my jacket?

A: The current lead time for delivery is around 12–15 months. This is a wide gap in time, but many factors depend on the
delivery time, as only one person makes Good Wear jackets. The wait is well worth it. Why is the wait so long? We
have a large volume of orders, with only one person making jackets. We could decrease the quality to speed up the process, but that
would negate the whole purpose of Good Wear Leather existing...to make beautiful leather jackets...which is what we want to do.

Q: May I have customized parts, like internal pockets?

A: We try to avoid any construction additions other than what is seen on vintage A-2 designs, but some small alterations will be allowed.
Such jackets will be non-returnable. For civilian jackets, on some, an additional pocket or two is easy to apply.

Q: What if I want leather that's unlike the leather used on a certain contract in WWII?

A: We are able to use any leather we have available for any contract. We may suggest a certain leather for a contract,
but ultimately we will be happy to use any leather for any model of A-2. Civilian jackets will look great in any of the
leathers that we offer.

Q: Everyone says their jackets are authentic. What makes your jackets authentic?

A: No reproduction is perfect, and certainly our jackets aren't (and originals aren't perfect or all that consisten, either!).
But, we want to make reproductions that are very close, as much as possible, to the contract that we're copying. Our A-2 jackets
are based on one to three originals of a given contract that we believe look excellent, along with research photography that we've
both done and collected of these contracts. At this point we have also taken apart some original A-2s to get the most accurate pattern
possible. We only do this with damaged jackets that no one would even consider trying to refurbish, and that have no provenance that
we can find.

Our goal is to make a very accurate representation of a given contract, from the body shape, sleeve shape, collar shape, to the
pocket shape, with the detailed parts and large parts shaped as originals. When you put on a Doniger, it should be very
obvious that it's a Doniger, as with any of our contracts. Often our customers who own the same contract in an original tell us
how close our jackets are to that original.

Q: Do you repair original jackets, or other reproductions?

A: At this time we do not. A pattern must be made from the original jacket to recreate a correct lining, and leather replacement
pieces need very similar leather. Sewing in the original stitch holes is the only manner of properly rebuilding a jacket in a worthwhile manner...this
equates to a large amount of work and attention, and the asking price for such repairs is often more than an owner would wish to pay.