AAF Insignia

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Type A-2 Page
 Details, Part 1
 Details, Part 2
 Details, Part 3
 A-2 P.A.Q.

8AF Insignia

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Hosting of the AcmeDepot.com website is provided by the Good Wear Leather Coat Company. I am extremely grateful for their generous support.

-- Marc

The Type A-2 Flight Jacket Web Page

by Marc D. Weinshenker

It would be perfectly accurate to call me a fanatic about A-2 jackets. Every detail evokes my wide-eyed enthusiasm. Every original jacket I handle has its own special story.

This Web page documents the accumulation of information and observations I have gathered over several years of learning about the A-2. It is my hope that this article will prove both interesting and useful to A-2 aficionados and casual observers alike.


P.A.Q. Check out the A-2 Previously Asked Questions page question
- - - to see what other readers want to know more about. Keep 'em Flying

Keep 'em Flying

Also be sure to visit Keep 'em Flying: A World War II Retrospective for an expanded look at the U.S. Army Air Corps and gear, including The Flight Jacket Gallery, Crush Caps, links, and more.

The Flight Jacket Gallery now includes jacket photos from the U.S. Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio.

Other Sites to Visit

To exchange notes and learn from other jacket enthusiasts, here's an online discussion forum to check out:

Check this out:  Flying Magazine advertisement from May 1941

Aero ad See a full size image (44K JPEG)


  • 2 January 2013 -- Book review of the Type A-2 Flight Jacket Identification Manual by Gary Eastman (see the Bibligraphy page).

I truly appreciate hearing from visitors to this Web site. Those who have written have passed along some very nice compliments. Many messages come with questions or requests for information and while I do what I can to comply, I don't always have the desired information The A-2 P.A.Q. page is a way to make answers available to other readers and to indicate where I may or may not be able to help.

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[Type A-2 Page | Introduction | History | Details | Originals | Repros | Bibliography | A-2 P.A.Q.]

[Acme Depot]  [Keep 'em Flying]

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