About This Jacket:
This Star G-1 55-J-14 is a great representation of Star's later contract of two for the 55J14
series. These later jackets are known for having darker and stronger leather than the first, and the leather is often more smooth
than many of the earlier Navy jackets. This jacket has been worn quite a bit, but the leather is absolutely solid, showing very little
wear. The wear seen on the jacket is shown in the cuffs, which I replaced by hand using the original stitch holes, and the lining,
which is somewhat dirty. The collar also has dried out a bit and pieces are coming off. The zipper was missing the male end, so
I replaced the whole zipper with a post-WWII Conmar. Note that the size of the jacket is rather large for a 44, and the shoulders
have a nicely squared shape. Of all the Navy jackets I've had, this one is an extremely nice looking overall design.