About This Jacket:
This G-1 jacket is a reproduction by Real McCoy's New Zealand, of their line for the Japanese
market called The Few. The jacket is a copy of Monarch Mfg. Co., a prolific maker of both USN and AAF jackets. This particular model is
the 1950s MIL-J-7823 G-1, and Monarch had one contract. The reproduction jacket has a design that superbly copies the Monarch's details,
notably the wind flap which is raised one inch from the waistband, and the lining's seam down the middle of the back, not to mention the
label. The pockets, collar, throat latch, and knits are also good representations of Monarch jackets. As a size 42, it fits like vintage size
42s. The leather, which has good color, is in my opinion too thick and doesn't have as much character as I generally see on origianls.
Steve Bougdanos |