About This Jacket:
This jacket appears to be a very early model 55J14 G-1. The jacket is definitely made by L.W.
Foster, a contractor that started production of Navy jackets with the AN-J-3A. This jacket is identical to that design, but has this newer spec
on the label, though oddly no maker's name or contract number. I've seen this on several other jackets by known contracting companies.
The size appears to be around a size 46, as the sleeves and shoulders are very large, much larger than a size 44 of this same design that
I've had. The leather is thick and has a yellow base color. The lining is still quite solid, and the mouton around 95% present. The zipper is
a straight Conmar, seen on other early Foster 55J14s. I replaced the cuffs using original stitch holes, but the rest of the jacket is all original.
Note the very tight waistband. |