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About This Jacket:

This jacket is an almost pristine Irvin Foster G-1. The condition of the jacket is astounding, with only the cuffs showing some moth damage (very little) and the rest of the jacket appearing never to have been worn. The jacket is a mid-1960's 7823C version, and has a design that reflects more Naval control than previous versions. Some details from this era include large pockets and no stitch line after the outer gusset on the sleeve. Also on this size of a jacket, the knits look to be rather large. I'm not sure what year the contract dates to, but Robert McNamara and his crew decided to have the Defense Supply Agency control all garment distribution, so DSA is seen on the label.

George Hsu

Home: U.S. Flight Jackets
Home | U.S. Navy Jackets | G-1 MIL-J-7823C | Original Irvin B. Foster G-1 MIL-J-7823C (40)

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