About This Jacket:
This jacket is Real McCoy's version of a Monarch A-2. The jacket looks very close to original
Monarchs, in pocket shape, collar shape, epaulette design, and the overall body. The leather is soft and has tremendous grain all over.
The label is amazingly well done - it has periods after the 1415 numbers which are the only details I can see that may be off. I painted
the stopper dark brown on the Talon zipper, as original Talons on this Monarch contract were like that, and I used washes of tan paint to
lighten the tape
color. The fit of the jacket is exceptionally similar to WWII jackets. I was lucky enough to be able to have four aces and two
vets from the 56th Fighter Squadron sign the lining of my jacket on April 24th, 2006. These were...
Frank Klebbe ()
Robert Rankin ()
Billy Edens ()
Harold Comstock ()
Fred Fredrickson ()
Walter Groce ()