About This Jacket:
This is a fantastic example of Flight Suits rendition of a goatskin A-2. The goatskin is very
nice, being vegetable-tanned and having a very smooth, dry feeling, and the hide is of excellent weight, just like two Rough Wear
18091 goatskin contract jackets I've seen in person. The color is also quite accurate, having a slight brown-yellow tint, though still
russet. The construction is close to a Dubow in some respects, and compared to this jacket, a Gibson & Barnes 42 Long would
actually be quite accurate to a 46 in WWII sizing, not being to large in the back or shoulders, as some lesser repros are. The
cuffs' weave look quite realistic for WWII, thought they're a bit thicker than most originals I've seen. Overall, I really like this
jacket, and would have to get a 42L for meself.
Brian Anderson |