About This Jacket:
This A-2 By Eastman Leather Clothing Co. is a copy of Aero's 18775-P contract. Eastman made
200 of these, and this one is #82, and dates to 1996. The condition of the jacket when I got it was basically brand new. The jacket is a
superb copy of this particular contract, and looks very much like an Aero would. The leather has tremendous grain on the front and back
panels, as well as the pockets, and is generally thin and soft. The color is a typical darker russet that Aero is known for. The lining is of a
mustard color that's correct for this contract. The knits are brick-red, another detail that some Aero jackets are known for, which can also
be seen on the 21996 and 15142 contracts they made. Other accurate details are the epaulette design, pocket shape, large black ring
snaps, and a vintage brass Talon from WWII, which this Aero contract did have. As a size 44, this jacket fits identically to an original Aero
size 44 I had. |