About This Jacket:
This jacket is possibly an issued AN-J-3, and has all the characteristics of such a jacket. It's been heavily
re-built, with a new lining and cuffs, but the goatskin is in near-perfect condition and the waistband is excellent. The zipper is a late-WWII Talon,
another chance that it's an issued item. The AN-J-3 was made in response to the Army and Navy wanting a leather jacket for it's pilots, after the
cancellation of the A-2, but it seems they never were issued in great quantity (if issued at all). The Navy went forward with the AN-J-3A, and the Army Air
Force replaced it with the B-10. There were also several different designs by each possible maker, some with epaulettes, some without, and some
having a bi-swing back, and others not. This jacket was possibly made by Willis & Geiger, judging by the design of the pocket flaps and belt.
George Harris |