Any project of this size will involve a number of people, and I've had the fortune of knowing many jacket collectors
who have graciously allowed me to photograph their jackets. In some cases they've sent their jackets to me from around the
U.S. Others live very close to me, and, due to the volume of jackets they have, are a great source of content for this CD. They're listed
in alphabetical order, but each one knows the level of help they've given me.
Brian Anderson
Jack Babbitt
Skip Bailey
Chris Bennett
Duane Berg
Steve Bougdanos
Thomas Bowen
Ken Calder
Eric Falk
John Floyd
Eric Foster (grandson of Lou "L.W." Foster)
Hal Friedrichs
Grant Gill
Yoshiro Hara
George Harris
George Hsu
Mark Hutchins
Bob Kaleta
Hisato Kikuchi
Don Klinz
Paddy Middleton
Atsushi Mitsumoto
Roger Moore
Bob Moore
Mark Moye
Steve Nickodemski
Yutaka Oishi
Wilson O'Neal
Steve Romanenghi
James Ruman
Paul Sanders
Aurang Shah-Stone
Michael Spiewak (great-grandson of Isaac Spiewak)
Jeff Thurston
Kazumoto Ueda
Marc Weinshenker*
Paul Wendler
Corey Yee
Aero Leather Clothing Co.
Galasheils, Scotland
Petaluma Militaria & Museum
Petaluma, CA
* A special thanks goes to Marc Weinshenker for working quite
hard to ensure my English was both correct and at least somewhat coherent. He spent many an hour reading and correcting
every statement on this CD.
Copyright 2004-2005 John Chapman All Rights Reserved