Vintage Rough Wear Horsehide Label - Brand new, sample label from the label factory (1940)
Price: $200.00 (new condition) — note shipping costs below

This label is an original, a sample saved from the run when the labels were made for Rough Wear. This is not
a reproduction, but came from a small label book that we bought. This label company (still unknown, as no
company name is anywhere in the book) saved one sample of every label they made, and this run of various
labels in this book, appears to have been made at some point in 1940, based on labels with 1939/1940 in them.

An 'adjustable inner collar' as shown on this label is a cloth band sewn into the joint of collar and
jacket body, which can be flipped upward or down. This is a nice feature when walking in the rain, as
it keeps water from falling down one's neck. This sewing feature was patented. Note the image below showing
the inner collar in a Hercules of our collection (which we assume was made by Rough Waer).

The condition of the label is wonderful. There is a little residue of the glue that held the label to the book page
present on the front and back, and that glue was quite weak. One can see where the label had been in the book, and
though the book isn't for sale, any of the labels present in the photographs below can be purchase one-off
if desired.

The label is 36mm tall by 65mm wide. Yes, we've made copies of it. The fascinating detail we learned is that our
original vintage Hercules jacket, which had a separate adjustable inner collar label above the Hercules label, has the
same patent number in it. That would reasonably mean Rough Wear made our Hercules jacket.

If you wish to purchase this label and have it applied to a Good Wear jacket, we will secure the label for production.

Original labels, in unused condition, from companies like Rough Wear are astoundingly difficult to find. This is a rare piece.
We also have a Ralphs-Pugh steerhide label for sale here, from this same book.

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Vintage Rough Wear Horsehide Label - Brand new, sample label from the label factory (1940)
Price: $200.00 (new condition)


Payment can be made either by credit card, check, or using PayPal.com, with our
moniker of info@goodwearleather.com. For credit cards, please email your intent to purchase the jacket, and we will email
a SecureNet form to fill out with your credit card information. Shipping costs in addition are $15.00 for customers within
the U.S.A, and $25.00 for customers outside of the U.S.A., using USPS Priority shipping. EMS Tracking will be more.
A standard 9.5" x 11" USPS envelope will be used, with some padding, to ensure safe passage.
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