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I. Chapman & Sons Type A-2 Flight Jacket
Price: $775.00 (lightly used condition) — note shipping costs below
Fit: comfortable fit in the right size
Leather: veg-tanned russet aniline finish goatskin
Lining: rust shade of cotton
Knits: mid-brown wool
Pocket Snaps: NOS WWII United-Carr Anzo snaps
Zipper: repro Crown chain with vintage Crown slider
Thread: medium brown cotton
Size: 46

Isaak Spiewak was a very large garment company, with leather and sheepskin as their specialty. Based out of New York, the
company grew from a small one-man operation to a rather vast operation housed in New Jersey. During WWII, they received one
A-2 jacket contract, as did sub-companies within the Spiewak brand (Bronco and United Sheeplined).

Spiewak is still in business. They obviously have the name trademarked, so we've used I. Chapman & Sons on the label, though
the rest of the data on the label is identical to original Spiewak labels. Other unique details are the body seams that face
backwards compared with other A-2 makers, and the shoulder seam being underneath the epaulet, rather than behind it. Every
original that we've seen in photos during WWII and that have survived today have epaulets that pop a little. It's a most
interesting phenomenon.

This jacket is our reproduction of that contract, and we've taken apart an original, and have handled many others of this
contract. The jacket is comfortable, as very square shoulders, and our goatskin is hefty—even denser and a tiny bit
heavier than horsehide! The jacket is lightly worn, with about four hours of use. It's ready to go.

The Crown zipper has a vintage Crown slider, and the snaps in the pockets are also from WWII—vintage United-Carr
Anzo snaps from our vast collection of them.

Originals had differing snap choices. We've seen ball snaps and small ring snaps, in both the pockets and collar. We can
make an I. Chapman & Sons with the snaps that you prefer.

This jacket will ideally fit a person who is 5'10" to 6'1", with a chest circumference of 41-43", and weight of
175-200 pounds.

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Jacket dimensions:

Front along zipper |
24" |
Front chest under arms |
24.25" |
Back width under arms |
24.5" |
Back height |
26.5" |
Shoulder width |
20" |
Sleeves, from shoulder to end |
26.5" |

I. Chapman & Sons Type A-2 Flight Jacket
Price: $775.00 (lightly used condition) — note shipping costs below
Fit: comfortable fit in the right size
Leather: veg-tanned russet aniline finish goatskin
Lining: rust shade of cotton
Knits: mid-brown wool
Pocket Snaps: NOS WWII United-Carr Anzo snaps
Zipper: repro Crown chain with vintage Crown slider
Thread: medium brown cotton
Size: 46

Our standard shipping costs are $45.00 for customers within the U.S.A (insured Priority Mail), and $72.00 for customers
outside of the U.S.A., using USPS EMS trackable shipping.

Payment can be made either by credit card, check, or using PayPal.com, with our
moniker of info@goodwearleather.com. For credit cards, please email your intent to purchase the jacket, and we will email
a SecureNet form to fill out with your credit card information (within the USA - we have to receive your
information via phone or email for international transactions).
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