Cagleco Sportswear G-1 U.S. Navy Flight Jacket
Price: $990.00 (used condition) — note shipping costs below
Fit: this jacket has comfortable fit in the correct size
Goatskin: chrome-tanned seal brown goatskin
Lining: brown rayon in excellent condition
Knits: seal brown rib-rack wool in excellent condition
Mouton: superb condition
Thread: seal brown nylon
Zipper: original Conmar zipper, excellent working condition
Size: 44

We have an original Cagleco Sportswear G-1 from 1957 in superb condition. It also has a patch on the chest from the owner's squadron, along with
a small patch that we found in one pocket. The jacket is somewhat large for a size 44, with a chest that's 25" x 25", and it has a sharp pattern.
It's in almost new condition, showing very little signs of use, and all the components are in great order.

Cagleco was a prolific 1950s Navy jacket contractor. Their name is a shortening of Cape Girardeau Leather Coat Co., and they had a number of
contracts making G-1s. This jacket is typical of their workmanship, very clean and tidy sewing, and an excellent selection of goatskins.
The parts are all almost in new condition, as they would have come off the factory.

The chest has holes from a name, but the stitch holes are clean and not painfully obvious. Otherwise, there are no other sewing holes in any
part of the jacket. We did look for a name of the jacket owner in the interior pocket, but found nothing written.

More can be found here about the VF-53 Blue Knights
U.S. Navy fighter squadron.

Please forgive our somewhat poor photography. We've had trouble with our old digital camera (user-error settings, but fine otherwise!), and our new
digital camera needs more user-error corrections. We should have both working well soon.

The jacket would ideally fit someone in the range of 5'10" to 6'2", with a chest of 43" to 45", and a weight of about 185-210 pounds.

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Jacket dimensions:

Front along zipper |
24.25" |
Front chest under arms |
25" |
Back width under arms (pleats flat) |
25" |
Back height |
26.5" |
Shoulder width |
19.5" |
Sleeves, from shoulder to end of cuff |
27" |

Cagleco Sportswear G-1 U.S. Navy Flight Jacket
Price: $990.00 (used condition) — note shipping costs below
Fit: this jacket has comfortable fit in the correct size
Goatskin: chrome-tanned seal brown goatskin
Lining: brown rayon in excellent condition
Knits: seal brown rib-rack wool in excellent condition
Mouton: superb condition
Thread: seal brown nylon
Zipper: original Conmar zipper, excellent working condition
Size: 44


Payment can be made either by credit card, check, or using PayPal.com, with our
moniker of info@goodwearleather.com. For credit cards, please email your intent to purchase the jacket, and we will email
a SecureNet form to fill out with your credit card information. Shipping costs in addition are $45.00 for customers within
the U.S.A, and $100.00 for customers outside of the U.S.A., using FedEx International trackable shipping.
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