Dear Folks,
My trip back to 1943 is going pretty well so far. The people here
are very accommodating. As you know, I am visiting a U.S. Army
Air Force base here in England. That's about all I'm allowed
to say about my location. They're pretty strict about that.
One of the guys in my hut was kind enough to offer me a few
sheets of this V-Mail* so I can write some letters back home.
Everyone here, officers and enlisted men alike, are all just as
terrific in person as they were in all the reading I had done.
Well, most everyone, anyway. There are always a few disagreeable
Yesterday, for the first time, I was able to join
in on a practice flight aboard a B-17. It was not quite
like a real mission but close enough for me. Tonight we have
a special mission planned. Our tiny ration of heating coal has
been completely used up and a few of us are going out to swipe
some more from the coal pile.
That's all for now.
Keep 'em Flying,